Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kurl-On Campaign*


Kurl-On line up of mattresses.  ^^ 

A new print ad created by D&A CL combining some previous ad attributes to reposition the different brands within Kurl-On.

Old Newspaper Ad

Positioning Statement

Current - "Pure Sleep, Nothing Else" - No convincing reason for change, Pure Sleep not a unique associatio
D&A CL Suggestion - Revert back to old statement - "India’s largest selling mattress" 
      - Provides credibility 
      - Emphasis on being “People’s Choice”
      - Perception of “Being the best”

* Disclaimer: This is pure work of creativity & imagination and is no where related to the actual brand Kurl-On or the company.

Comments and Suggestions are very much welcomed by D&A Creative Labs

D&A Creative Labs

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